10 keys for your relationship to work well

Jessica Wilson
6 min readMay 22, 2021


Confidence, having your own space, knowing how to give in or keep the flame of passion alive are some of the tips to fully enjoy your partner

One of the deepest longings of the human being is to find love. That person with whom you share your present and future in a unique way. But, once you get it, it is not all a bed of roses, but maintaining a relationship in good conditions requires effort and dedication. Therefore, do not miss these ten tips to enjoy your life as a couple to the fullest. Of course, we discard the basic and fundamental principle that must be taken for granted: that they love each other sincerely and not for any other reason unrelated to it.

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1. Good communication

It is nothing new, but it is worth remembering that the ability of two people to share all aspects of their lives is essential for a successful relationship. Being able to speak openly on any subject, not hiding any matter from your partner out of concern, shame or any other reason, is one of the most powerful assets you have in your hands. Do not keep anything to yourself, if for example you see something in your partner that has bothered you, tell them in a good way. It is not good to keep your worries quiet because they are often accompanied by paranoia, or assumptions that are far from reality that only serve to make you and the other person bitter. And above all, when we talk about communication, we are not only referring to the ability to say things, but to how they are said. Yelling or talking badly is not an option.

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2. Trust

If your partner is with his friends, if he is late from work or does not answer you on WhatsApp, you should not think of the worst. Trusting the other is one of the bases of any relationship in good conditions. The love you profess should be enough to be able to practice this trust. But sometimes, feelings like insecurity and jealousy get between two people, destroying all kinds of trust and turning the relationship into a living room of doubts, worries and discomfort.

In other words, what you should work on is security. Security that he loves you and that that feeling is above all. Of course, we all make mistakes. But once they talk and clarify (we return to communication) you must continue with the peace of mind that you seek the best for both of you.

3. Do things as a couple

Each of them may have very different hobbies, but it is worth looking for a common point with which you can learn and have fun together. From signing up for dance classes, going on trips, going to a cooking class together … and so on. Or simply, stop looking for excuses such as time, money, or fatigue, and give yourself some time going for a walk in the city or the countryside. Any detail that shows that you have dedication for the other account.

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4. Respect for personal space

Loving yourself a lot is not synonymous with spending 100% of your free time with your partner. Many make the mistake of forgetting about the other social circles to which they belong when they have started a relationship. Although there are those who may seem strange, it is really healthy for the couple that both know to have time for their own affairs. These spaces will help you to grow as individuals and at the same time as a couple. Of course, trust should prevail. Just like you want your own space, allow it to your partner too.

5. Find out what language you speak and learn it

Gary Chapman wrote ‘The Five Languages ​​of Love’, a work that delves into the emotional psychology of couples. This book reveals that there are five different ways that a person can express their love. Not all use the same language and therefore a person may think that they do not like him simply because they do not use the same language. You have to discover which one you use to show the other person what you care about, while you must see which one your partner uses. These languages ​​or languages ​​of love are: words of affirmation, physical contact, quality time, acts of service and giving gifts.

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6. Know how to forgive

In every relationship, no matter how well it goes, there are moments of discussion. We are human and mistakes are common, but stagnating in resentment is not a solution. Therefore, knowing how to forgive from the heart is key to moving forward. Of course, it is not worth asking for forgiveness from the lip and continuing to make the same mistake. There must be sincerity on both sides.

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7. Laugh with each other

To the love of humor. A partner can provide sweetness, protection, attention, help … and so on. But without a doubt, laughter is an essential element to make the other person feel at ease. This aspect may have been more marginalized when it comes to analyzing relationships, but the power of humor should not be underestimated as an ingredient to make every relationship more enjoyable. After all, we all like to be with people who make us laugh out loud. And what better person than the one to whom such a strong bond unites us.

8. Comprehension

Another well-known point in terms of couple keys is concerned. We all want to be understood, that they ask us what happened before judging us, that they try to put themselves in our shoes, that they also look out for our interests. But in the same way that we want it, we must think that the other person is also looking for it.

Here comes the dilemma of learning to compromise. We must free ourselves from selfishness and pride to achieve it. Either in discussions (where we must be honest and point out our own mistake, not just the other’s), or in such trivial decisions as which movie to watch tonight. The ideal is to achieve a balance between the two, so that there is equality and no one is above anyone else. For example, if today we had what you preferred for dinner, the next time it will be the other way around. Of course, it must be done without reproach and willingly, or else it will be useless.

9. Accept defects and virtues

Another of the most common problems is suffering from the defects of the other person. From the beginning we must assume his personality to, between the two of us, try to carry him in the most reasonable and beneficial way possible. It has happened to all of us to meet someone who is forgetful or clueless by nature. Ideally, you should make him see it and that both of you do your part to improve that aspect. You should also keep in mind that effort you are making, as well as be understanding (as you can see, all the points end up being related).

10. Keep the flame alive

As the years go by, there is no excuse not to fuel the passion. A relationship is largely based on your attraction to each other. Therefore, you have to surprise your partner, have details, find time to be alone, seek romance and everything that comes to mind.

To sum up, that good relationship is the one that builds and edifies both of you. And not the other way around.

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Jessica Wilson

Writer, Blogger, Social media marketing expert and Relationship expert