8 habits of happy couples

Jessica Wilson
4 min readMay 26, 2021


Want to improve the relationship? Then check out the main habits of happy couples.

“May they live happily ever after” is an expression of wishes for happiness. Much more than that: it is the hope that good fortune will accompany the couple forever. For wishes and to be fulfilled, they must be built day after day.

The psychologists always recommend to treat everything as important, even the little things.

It is the role of the psychologist to help make the relationship lasting and healthy, check out the 8 habits of happy couples. So you already know a formula that can help make your relationship healthier and longer lasting.

1. Your profile fits mine

It means that the person’s interests are close to or the same as yours. Couples who get along, share common tastes and preferences, with rare exceptions.

Do activities together and plan according to these common interests. Do not let leisure dominate, use tuning to your advantage.

2. Mutual trust is one of the habits of happy couples

Happy couples are those who communicate all the time. In addition to being at ease with life, they are at ease with themselves.

In this way, daily discussions or disagreements, which are normal, are quickly resolved through mutual trust and respect.

Transparency and honesty make it possible to avoid unnecessary wear and tear, such as disagreements, for example. Constant fights can lead the relationship to levels of intolerance and violence.

3. Valorization

Value and start to see in your partner the qualities and virtues that he has. A sincere compliment can do a lot for your relationship. It is very easy to criticize and highlight the negative points of the other.

When we started to honor our partner, we highlighted the positive aspects of the relationship and enhanced more happy moments. Showing your appreciation will raise the vibration of positivity and generate self-esteem for both, psychologists recommend .

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4. Romantic gestures

Kiss and be kissed, hug and be hugged, at any time, unexpectedly. His affection and demonstration, especially in public, makes the relationship much more loving and nourished, which, for the memory, will bring great memories. This is one of the habits of happy couples.

5. Every day is a day of love

Saying “I love you”, “good morning love”, “miss you” etc., shows the care and the remembrance of your feeling towards the loved one. They are simple expressions that are worth cultivating daily.

Send messages when you’re on the street or at work, build that connection. Cultivate these habits of happy couples.

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6. The best friendship

Treat your partner as your soul mate. Enjoy your friendship and let them know that you are focused on it.

Being together is a small ritual that is part of the journey, strengthening this partnership. Learn to listen. This is a very important tip for the couple’s happiness.

7. Tolerance

People who have lifestyles a little different from their company can also share their habits, as long as there is mutual respect and tolerance. Nurturing these aspects means having a healthy behavior.

Never judge unnecessarily or yell at the person. Learn to see and respect your differences. One more detail: smart people don’t compete or challenge themselves. Much less do they prohibit the other from cultivating their leisure. All harmony is created from complicity.

8. What about the past?

The past is important. However, do not manipulate or play games of feelings during a discussion using events from the past. All people make mistakes. Try to see a path of happiness together in front of you. Dodge ready-made recipes and formulas. So you cultivate habits of happy couples.

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Jessica Wilson

Writer, Blogger, Social media marketing expert and Relationship expert